Its appearance is oval, its color is dark brown and small and medium and large in size.
Due to the popularity of these dates in other countries, high levels of sugar and low cellulose.

The sweetest dates fruit in the world are famous and therefore easily soluble in water or tea but
not suitable for diabetic patients.
B-GRADE Max. 85/LB
GAQ Max.110/LB
FAQ Max. 125/LB

Color brown to dark brown
Shape long, oval and sometimes inclined rectangular
Moisture Under 18%
Flavor sweet and has a unique delicious
Type Semi-dry
Chemical Additives GMO Free, Gluten-Free
Shelf Life & Storage Condition Room temperature and about 18 – 12 months (1 year)
under interim fumigation.

Bulk Carton box:
5kg | 10kg gross weight available

● Cures Anemia
Anemia is characterized by unusually low quantity of red blood cells in the human
body and is caused by the deficiency of iron. Dates contain an impressive level of
iron which makes them the perfect home remedy for treating iron deficiency.
● Treatment of Diarrhea
Dates are effective in treating diarrhea as they contain potassium which helps in
managing looseness of the intestine.

Bone Health
Dates are useful in strengthening bones and curing painful diseases like
osteoporosis. Minerals such as selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium
found in Dates greatly contribute to healthy bone development and strength.
● Maintains Healthy Nervous System
Dates are a good source of vitamins which enhance the health and functionality of
the human nervous system. The abundant potassium content of Dates also works
to increase the speed and alertness of the brain
● Treatment of Allergies
Dates contain organic sulfur, which is rarely found in other foods. Organic sulfur
has several health benefits, which include reduction of allergic reactions and
seasonal allergies.
● Cures Anemia
Anemia is characterized by unusually low quantity of red blood cells in the human
body and is caused by the deficiency of iron. Dates contain an impressive level of
iron which makes them the perfect home remedy for treating iron deficiency.
● Dental Health
Dates contain fluorine, an important chemical element that inhibits tooth decay by
removing plaque as well as strengthening the tooth enamel.
● Good for heart
Dates are a rich source of potassium which has been shown to reduce the risk of
stroke and other heart diseases. They prevent heart disease, heart attack and
stroke by reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body
Maintenance of Healthy Skin
Dates are loaded with vitamin C and flavonoids, which can improve the elasticity
of the skin and enrich the subcutaneous tissues, thus making skin tender and
● Anti-ageing Benefits
Dates are a rich source of antioxidants, which can effectively counter the harmful
free radicals in the body, thus preventing premature ageing of skin. Vitamin C, in
particular, helps to decrease the occurrence of wrinkles by resisting oxidation and
preventing the accumulation of melanin inside the human body.

Healthy Hair
Dates are abundant in vitamins, particularly vitamin B5, which is vital for the
maintenance of healthy hair. Deficiency of this vitamin can cause hair problems
like hair loss, brittle hair and split ends. Consumption of Dates can help minimize
these problems.

Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit

Energy 1367.4 Kj انرژی
322.8 Kcal
Carbohydrates 73.6 g کربوھیدرات
Protein 2.4 g پروتئین
Saturated Fat 0.0 g چربی اشباع شده
اسیدھای چرب اشباع نشده Trans Fat 0 g
Total Fat 0.2 g کل چربی
Sugars 71.7 g شکر
Cholesterol 0 mg کلسترول
Dietary Fiber 8.5 g فیبر رژیمی
Sodium 7 mg سدیم
Potassium _ mg پتاسیم
Calcium _ mg کلسیم
Glucose 35.2 g گلوکز
Fructose 36.5 g فروکتوز
Sucrose n.n g ساکا ُرز
Salt 0.02 g نمک
خاکستر خام Ash 2.3